Saturday, July 24, 2010

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Grand Teton again lived up to its expectations. We stayed here 3 days last Summer and wanted to come back and spend a little more time here this year. This park is Irene's favorite national park; she loves the Teton mountain range and thinks there is nothing else like it. We stayed a week in the Colter Bay tent cabins where we were joined mid-week by Irene's sister Betsy and her family.

Even though it is peak season, this park is much more laid-back than its sister park, Yellowstone up the road. It really feels like wilderness.

Wilderness definitely bit back this season, though: while we were here two hikers were lost in separate groups and a fisherman drowned. With all the amenities and conveniences today, it's easy to forget this is still wilderness until you get these very sad reminders.

While at the park we saw quite a bit of wildlife, including several moose, which we never seem to see in any other park but this one! Also some bald eagle, elks and various smaller wildlife. (Not to mention some cuttthroat trout Gracie caught while learning to flyfish. She put them all back).

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