One of the best things about camping is that you meet the nicest people! Grace & Lucy met two little girls from Boulder, Colorado, (Delaney & Teagan) who they quickly became firm friends with. Here's a photo of the girls together.
While hiking early on in our trip, Grace lost her camera (she left it on a rock after taking some pictures of some ducks). We filled out a lost and found form at the ranger station, where we were told to keep checking in each day; it might be returned. We seriously doubted that, but on our last day in the park, our camera was brought in! The men who found it left their photo on the camera (see above). What a great way to end our camping trip; thank you, fellows.
When talking abut the nice people of the park, we can't forget the people who work there; the volunteers and the park rangers. Grace and Lucy became junior rangers and attended a ranger program at least once a day while we were there. The rangers give talks and guided walks, and their enthusiasm really shines through. They also work really hard on their various presentations; our campsite was next to the campground amphitheatre; the rangers always arrived an hour to an hour-and-a-half early to prepare for their nightly presentations.
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